Les Films du Varech, La Carte

Les Films du Varech (France), La Carte, short film, involves a man living in a color postcard who falls in love with a woman living in a black and white postcard. Can their worlds come together? This is a wonderful to watch, joyful comedy with inventive visual manipulations. Director Stefan Le Lay delivers short entertainment at its best.
P.J. Harling (United Kingdom), Dipper

P.J. Harling (United Kingdom), Dipper, short film, is a day in the life of a pickpocket with a twist didn’t see coming. The best movies are always entertaining with strong character development; Dipper excels at both. This visually attractive, carefully crafted comedy keeps viewers guessing, has talented stars. This audience-pleasing film stands-out.
Down In Front Films LLC, Pitch Black Milk, short film
EncruzihadaFilmes, Itda (Brazil), Heaven Garden, short film
Grey Squirrel, Patrimony, short film
Hou YuJing (China), China Migrant Worker, short documentary
Insight Entertainment/USC, City of Angels, short film
Jill Golick Enterprises Ltd. (Canada), Ruby Skye P.I.: The Spam Scam, webisode
Joy Gohring, 18, short film
Lumiart, Piece of Paper, short film and direction
Majid Sarvini (Iran), Empty Paper-Bag, short film
Marigold Films, LLC, The Getaway, short film
Max Silver, Chair, short film
MJM-Pictures (Germany), Quirk of Fate, short film
NuReality Productions, Library of Dust, short documentary
Robert Kolodny, Shelter, short film
Rogue Cowgirl Productions, Dating in the Middle Ages, short film
Sun Arts & Production (Taiwan), New Energy: Animation Collection, 3-D
Synthetic Pictures, Hot Dogs & Hand Grenades, short film
Teddy Media, The Broken Bicycles – Next To Me, music video
Teraton Perspective, Nobody But Her, short film
Three Legged Race Film, Lambs, leading actor
Yusuf Sumer (Turkey), Kaka Nirvana, short film
A Pro-Vision Production, Riding Bikes with the Dutch, movie trailer
A World At Work, Plus One, short film
Academy of Art University, Princess and Knight, short film
Adam Siegel, Appleseed Elementary, webisode
Al’Myra Communications, Replikaaa, experimental
Amit Tishler, Mage of The Gropetesque, animation
Amy Taylor, Deadman, short film
Anstein Mikkelsen (Norway), Guovssahasa Nieda (Dancing Virgin), experimental
Apremont Productions, Plastics, leading actress (Savanah Lee)
Aragón Cinematagráfica (Spain), El hijo del Mar, short film
Barbara Bird, Toward Daylight, short documentary
Blood, Sweat n Tears, Breaking Out, short film
Blue Mesa Productions, Low Riders, short film
Blues Kids Foundation, Santa Jones, animation
Bobby Lewis, The Trees Are Falling, short documentary
Brown Doggy Pictures, The Edge of Joy, short documentary
Brynmore Williams, Unchastened, short documentary
Bunnybeez Productions, Der Struwwelpeter, short film
BYkids, My Country is Tibet, short documentary
Chip Hackler, Two Hours in the Dark, short film
D.W. Gibson, Pants Down, short film
Dafne Cinema (Spain), Atroz, short film
Dan Pellar, Cancer and Cake, short film
Darren Horne (United Kingdom), Closure, experimental
David Evans Images, A New Picture of Health, short film
David Whittet (New Zealand), Amiri & Aroha, short film
Decoy Collective GmbH (Switzerland), Halbschlaf, short film
Diego Llamazares (Spain), The Hive, experimental
Dooboo’s Take Films (South Korea), Spring is Coming, music video
Dreamdog 5 Productions, Golden Minutes, short film
Duilio Zaffaroni (Italy), Fairies and Faun, experimental
EditLab, Grounded, special purpose film, direction and script/writer
Electric Eyes (United Kingdom), Relative Sin, short film
EncruzihadaFilmes, Itda (Brazil), Heaven Garden, direction
Fractal Films (Australia), Push Bike, short film
Fran Tarr Productions, LLC, Bethlehem to Brooklyn: Breaking the Surface, short documentary
Francisco Guijarro, Mexican Cuisine, short documentary
Gary Davis, The Movie Critic, short film
Gianfranco Borgatti, La Cummare, 3-D
Illumine Productions, Challenging Impossibility, short documentary
Interfaze Productions, The Barber of Birmingham: Foot Soldier of the Civil Rights Movement, short documentary
Ivalo Frank (Germany), Echoes, short documentary
Jacob Ramon, Two Wheels, short documentary
Javier Vivas, Jaybird, short film
Jed Dwyer Films, 30288, short film
Joe Cat Films, Country Pirates, short film
Jon Foss, The Red Shoes, cinematography
Kublacom Pictures (Canada), This is My Witness, short documentary
Lacy Burke Productions, Car Date, short documentary
Leonardo Cinieri Lombroso (Italy), La Città di asterix, short documentary
Lillehammer University College (Norway), Spokelset Martin, short documentary
Loki (United Kingdom), Sergeant Slaughter, My Big Brother, short film
Lumiart, Piece of Paper, creativity/originality
Lunar Pig Productions, Four Horses, short film
Marsibil Saemundardottir (Iceland), Freyja, short film
Martin & Arvizo Productions, Dreaming in a Time of Hate, short film
Matt Ryan, Nothing But Besties, short film
Max Francos (Spain), NAKBA, experimental
Michael Jovic, Zijo’s Journey, short documentary
Michael Raab, It’s Cool To Adopt, music video
Michael Slowe (United Kingdom), Hounds & the Huntsman, short documentary
MilroeMind Productions, Nice & Rough, short film
Minute Navigator LLC, Cellphones and Gorillas, web series
Mischief, Big Country Blues, webisode
Monsoon Company, Post-Nup: Uppers, webisode
Mrinalini Dakshayani Sriram, Notes of Silence, short film
New Masters Film, Congratulations: You’ve Won the Lottery, short film
Ninguna Ciencia Inc. (Puerto Rico), Palomitas, short film
Parousian Pictures, Beneath the Veneer of a Murder, short film
Paul Christie (United Kingdom), Infliction, short film
Philadelphia Folklore Project, Eatala: A Life in Klezmer, short documentary
Pieutopia Productions, The Formal Proposal, short film
Powwow Films, Inc., Doppelganger Avenue, short film
Quill and Camera, After The Denim, short film
Race Man Tell-A-Pictures, LLC, The New “N” Word, short film
Red Shoe Productions (Malaysia), Like Toy Dolls, short film
Regent University, Dawn Bloom, short film
Richard Tibbetts, Run, Drop, and Glide, short film
Rising Tiger Films, Wait For Me, short film
RNG Films, Another Day Another Life…, short film and dramatic impact
Robert Kirschten, Old Family Movies: Poetry Video, history/biographical
Robert Lemon, ¿Tacos or Tacos?, short documentary
Rough Actor Productions, Stuck, short film
Samourais Films (France), Amnesie Internationale: Je Ne Savais Pas, commercial/psa
SFTG Films (Canada), Saved From the Grave, short film, leading actor (Reid: Andrew Prashad) and make-up
Stev Elam, The Gadfly, short film
Stuart Fromm, Undiscovered Winter, short documentary
Studio Trifusion, Once on the Boulevard of Broken Dreams, short film
Sun Arts & Production (Taiwan), New Energy: Animation Collection, contemporary issues/awareness raising
Tachyon Films, Yellow, short film
Ticking Sands Productions, Marshall, Texas, short film
Tiekara Productions, Inc., Slip Cue, special purpose film
Tigress Lindsey, Chosen Path, short film
Timescape Entertainment, The Machine, short film
Toy Gun Films, You Told a Lie, music video
Tracy Lucca, The Israelites, short film
Tyler Carter, DreamGiver, animation
UMOJA Works, Bed of Fire, short film and original song (Bed of Fire)
Unitec Institute of Technology (New Zealand), If We Are To Be Eaten By Wolves, short film
University of Southampton (United Kingdom), Triumph, short film
University of the West of England (Spain), When the Sun Hits Hardest, short documentary
Wahine Films, Inc. (Canada), Ubuntu, short documentary
WingSpan Pictures, Love Is All You Need?, short film and direction
Wright Walker Productions (United Kingdom), P O V, short film
Yamination Studios (United Kingdom), The History of Denim, animation
Young & Running Productions, Who I Am, music video
Zipheron Design Labs, Reason for Math: Gauss’s Addition, special purpose films