Abhinav Nannapaneni (USA), A Heartbeat Away, Film Short (Student), Movie Trailer (Student), Health / Medicine / Science (Student)
Akash reddy Avula (USA), Cold Water, Direction (Student)
Alexandra Maria Manda (Romania), Without Voice, Women Filmmakers (Student)
Alizay Rizwan (United Arab Emirates), The Girl, Film Short
Amairany Solano (USA), Grief, Actor: Leading (Kevin Boecher as Ben)
Amrik Pabla (USA), WHATEVER IT TAKES, Actor: Leading (Carl L. Covington as Derek)
Andrei Cristian Bortica (Romania), The Bet, Actor: Leading (Student) (Andrei Cristian Bortica as Ovidiu), Direction (Student)
Armstrong Jaison (USA), Christ In Us, Christian Theme
Audrey Whiteford-Woods (France), Between Thoughts, Film Short (Student), Women Filmmakers (Student), Special Effects: Animation (Student)
Birke Raymond Duncan (USA), Chicken, The Lunchroom, and Mr. Birke, Script / Writer (Sara Mossman and Birke Duncan)
BJ (Bette Jean) Bullert (USA), Loki Pete, Documentary Short
Carlos Gonzalez and Cory Patterson (USA), Project to Save Mankind: The Plan Begins, Women Filmmakers
Carol J. Amore (USA), Arctic Polar Bear Mothers, Nature / Environment / Wildlife, Editing (William Sarris)
Caz Stuart (USA), Trailer: Addressing Gun Violence: Creating Visionaries, Storytellers and Community Activists, Liberation / Social Justice / Protest
Christopher Jenkins (USA), True Horizon, Cinematography, Liberation / Social Justice / Protest
Danilo Del Tufo (Italy), Forevermore, Animation
David Bercovici-Artieda (Canada), The Fast Runner, Actress: Leading (Alix West-Lefler as Frida)
Douglas J. Corcoran (USA), Sacrificed; Trading Art for War!, Documentary Short
Eile Guenego, Gillian Fletcher, Claire Caton (USA), Away, Away, Away, LGBTQ+ Filmmaker (Student)
Elisabetta DeLuca and Alessandro Freschi (Italy), Pirate Jenny, Actress: Leading (Elisabetta De Luca as Pirate Jenny)
Emily Anderson and Elizabeth Usher (USA/Australia), Summer Wonderland, Music Video
FREEDOM FRAME FILMS lorm, Drahomír Streit (Czech Republic), The Forgotten Generation Documentary, Children / Family Programming (Student), Young Filmmaker – 17 and younger
Hanxin Zhang (USA), Fly, Asian Filmmaker (Student), Film Short (Student), Asian Theme (Student)
Ilya Noyabrev (Ukraine), Smoldering-Smoldering, Music Video
Intje Hajri, LajangonTrip Film, Rumah Qur’an Inspirasi and Wahdah Inspirasi Zakat (Indonesia), Karunia, Disability Issues
Ira Setiawati (Indonesia), Plastic Tourism, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
Jennifer DiMarco, Blue Forge Films (USA), The Exquisite Loneliness of Zoe Lambert, Original Score (An Exquisite Loneliness)
Jennifer DiMarco, Blue Forge Films (USA), Hills Like Elephants, Original Score, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
John C. Arroyo (USA), Casa y Comunidad: Latino/a/x Housing in Oregon (ROGUE VALLEY), Documentary Short, Latin / Hispanic Theme, Web Series
Johnny Vonnuemann (USA), Americans in Egypt, Editing, Islamic Theme, Music Video
Juniper McKelvie (USA), Stable as a Mountain, Script / Writer
Kalvin Ogbuefi (USA), Last Infantry, African American Filmmaker
Kent Krogman (USA), Our Casualties, Contemporary Issues / Awareness Raising
Kevin Veatch (USA), The Talent Show, Chicken, and Mr. Birke, Children / Family Programming, Narration / Voice-Over Talent (acting) (Mia McGlinn as Chicken)
Loye Miller (USA), Building Bub’s Grubs, Documentary Short
Maria A. Listur and Gabriele Del (Italy), FRĀTERNǏTAS, Experimental
Martigan (USA), Time Will Tell, Actress: Leading (Vesta Millard as Tara Ward), Women Theme
Maxwell Wang (USA), JUST 5 MINUTES, Asian Filmmaker (Student), Film Short (Student)
Mayedurimi Andrea Larotonda (USA), Borders, Women Filmmakers
Nemat Sargolzaei (Iran), Mother, Islamic Filmmaker
Reggie Frederick (USA), Scorching Safety, Animation, Women Filmmakers, Mobile / Cell Phone Media
Rick Miller (USA), Mom, I Have Something To Tell You, LGBTQ+ Filmmaker, Viewer Impact: Motivational / Inspirational
Ron Weisberg (USA), In Food We Trust, Film Short
Shihyun Wang (Indonesia), Indonesia – Emerald of Equator, History / Biographical / Travel
Shoghufa Majdod (Netherlands), She’ll Be Fine, Asian Theme (Student), Women Theme (Student)
Stacey A Fair (USA), Missing Person, Film Short
Susan Mey Lee Lim, Matthieu Eymard and Christina Teenz Tan (Singapore), Ballad of the Weeds, Music Video, Women Theme
T.J. Morehouse (USA), FOOLS GOLD, Native Peoples / Aboriginal Theme
Teagan Stewart (USA), Boys Club, Concept
Thelma C. Brown (USA), Waiting, African American Filmmaker, Film Short
Tom Whiteley (United Kingdom), The Quest For The Golden Dragon, Humor / Humorist
Valentin Raileanu (Romania), Crisis Point, Film Short
Zemario Sheppard (USA), Wait Lifted, Experimental (Student)