Grand Theme Productions, The Romantic Killer
Grand Theme Productions (Denmark), The Romantic Killer, short film, follows a serial killer on a romantic date. With noir styling, this carefully crafted film has a powerful storyline with high production value.
Over The Edge TV! Awesome!
Over The Edge TV!, Awesome!, reality programming that features real people doing amazing, incredible and dangerous things. This is a funny and entertaining series of half hour programs shot worldwide. This is a real audience pleaser.
American Film Institute, First Dates, short film
Aries Telecasting Pvt. Ltd. (India), DAMs – The Lethal Water Bombs, short documentary
Fine.Ark (Australia), Common Ground, short documentary
Harley Foos, Manners, filmmaker 17 years and younger
Inspire Films Limited (New Zealand), Pacific Dreams, short film
Loyola Marymount University, Photographs, animation
Mark Breedlove, Goodbye Bear, filmmaker 17 years or younger
Massimo Ottoni (Italy), Wheels and Love, music video
Mirto Ioanna Kassis, Day Off, short film
Planting for Tomorrow (Japan), Creating Forests that Protect Lives, contemporary issues/awareness raising
Positive Thinkerz (India), Bawra Mann (The Heart Needs No Reason), short film
To Blink Studio (Canada), 5 Minutes Each, animation
VRB Photography, Diastema The Gap, short documentary
13Carat Productions, The White Box, short film
7ponies productions, LA Love Story, short film and direction
Alex Silverstein, Glock.40, short film and casting
American University, One Punch At A Time, short documentary
Anna Troyanskaya (Russian Federation), Fear and Tremble, short film
Barking Dog Pictures (Canada), Ice Works, short documentary
Benjamin Tran, Games, filmmaker 17 years and younger
Blue Force Films, Crossing Blood Lines, webisode
Blue Passport Pictures (Canada), The Princess and the Beer, commercial
Caroline Ames McCoy, The American West – Today, special purpose productions/live events
Caversham Productions, The Grudge, animation
Charlie Brown Productions, Fourth of July – Warren, Vermont, A 45 Year Retrospective, short documentary
David Eyman, The Alley, short film
Drew Dammron, Gaspar, short film
Electrolab LTD (Canada), Boo Boo Bandits, children/family programming
Fanatico Films, The Recipient, short film
Failed Films Productions, Mucho Roomies, short film
Harley Foos, Manners, leading actor (Daniel Leichtling)
Hiroshi Watanabe (Japan), Making of Woomin vs Spicykickin’, music video
Into The Fire Productions, LLC, Just Out of Reach, cinematography
Jim Daniels, Mr. Pleasant, short film
Joe Windish, For Such A Time As This, short documentary
Juliette Bennett, The Couple, short film
Larry Myers, The Scarfed Assassin, short film
Mad Arts, Jaspal Bhatti Film School (India), Bunty’s Tree, animation
Mantis Eagle Productions, Love Eterne, short film
Mirto Ioanna Kassis, Day Off, direction and script/writer
Old Family Movies, Goofy Tunes: Poetry Video, experimental
Plus One Productions, Freak, short film
Ryan Pickett Productions, Look, experimental
Sabrina Zackery – Mz3, LLC, The 15 Minute Horse Lesson, educational/instructional
Sence Films (United Kingdom), Victim, short film
Simon Hung, Spiral, short film
Sovereign Pictures, The Blessing of Vicente Paz, short documentary
Therese Tran, Revolutionary Microphone, short documentary
Todd Lundbohm, Infection, short film
Tortilla Productions, Ben LaMarca, dramatic impact
Towson University, American Karoshi, short film
Tusk Films, The Lair, comedy program
Unsportsmanlike Content, Recess, tube length video